We have compiled all the important questions and corresponding answers in our FAQs. Your question couldn’t be answered? No problem, send it to us via our contact form and we will be happy to answer it.

How does it work? Do your shirts actually not smell even after you workout and sweat in it?

All our shirts are infused with a special patent-pending Nanonite Silver. Nanonite Silver is a 99.9% anti-bacterial fighting agent. This means anytime you sweat, there’s no chance for any bacteria to formulate.

Sweat doesn’t actually smell, it’s the bacteria that grows when you sweat on cheap fabrics. That’s why sometime’s your shirts smell when you sweat sooner than others. It’s the cheap fabrics that promote bacterial growth, and the bacteria is what smells.

Our shirts kill the bacteria before it ever gets to form, so you can sweat for days and weeks, and never have to worry about washing your shirt because it’ll always stay fresh.

How long do I wait to wash the shirts?

The shirts will be bacteria and odor free for a long time. You can wash it whenever you get stains on it by accident, but other than that, you can wash it as little as you want, or as much as you want. A lot of our athletes train in the shirts for up to two weeks everyday without washing it.

How does Nanonite Silver work?

Nanonite Silver is a proprietary blend of millions of microscopic nano silver molecules. Silver is one of the world’s strongest antimicrobial agents.

Sweat doesn’t smell, it’s when sweat gets absorbed by cheap fabrics that bacteria festers and grows – the bacteria is what smells, not the actual sweat.

The millions of Nanosilver particles infused into the fabrics prevent and kill all bacteria before it festers or grows.

What is the proper wash care instructions?

  • Don’t use fabric softener
  • Use a mild detergent and no bleach
  • Wash on cold water
  • Hang dry (to be economic) or low heat temperature

This ensures you get maximum usage out of your Nanonite Silver technology.

Is Nanonite Silver safe?

Yes, Nanonite Silver technology is safe. Humans have been wearing silver and using silver for centuries safely. Silver has also been a part of many cultures for decades. Many cultures recognize the benefits nanosilver brings.

Nanonite Silver is a proprietary strain of nanosilver specially formulated to be better than just traditional nanosilver.

How long does the Nanonite Silver technology last?

Sadly nothing is truly forever, even silver woven fabrics lose their property overtime too. Our special Nanonite Silver anti-stink technology has a half-life of approximately 40 washes. If you follow our wash care instructions, it’ll last even longer.

But don’t worry, your shirt won’t self-destruct after this period of time, it will turn into a nice, normal sports shirt with 7 additional features.

Why are they considered travel shirts?

Our shirts are the perfect shirts for all your vacations. Everybody hates having to wear a new shirt everyday on vacation and piling up the laundry during a trip. You can wear our shirts every day for 7 – 14 days without worrying about odor. It literally stays clean the whole vacation. Pack less and worry less about laundry so you can enjoy your trip more.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do. We ship internationally to many countries around the world except a specific few.

What’s your return policy?

If you don’t love our shirts, just ship it back and we’ll refund you the cost less shipping. You will be responsible for shipping back to us. You can find our refund policy here.

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